Tuesday, 4 April 2017

When your Husband is your 1st Kid!

Marriage becomes the second management as soon as you realize that your husband needs to be managed first... LOL!

You wake him up for office, you serve him meals, give him wallet, his hanky, you even arrange his almirah at times, etc.

But, what extra you do when he is just another kid is; you set his alarm clock when he has a meeting in early hours, you put his phone(s) on charge, you ask him to eat the meal which you've already served, remind him to take his phone(s) while leaving from home, you take out his used clothes from his almirah (Yes! His almirah... LOL), shut-down his laptop, pack his luggage when he has an out-station work visit, pour him water from the bottle lying right there at the side counter of your bed, force him to have his medicines, help him find his flip-flops everyday and what not.

I got married @ 26 so, I was pretty sure about laying down my future as a Married Woman. All pampered by my sisies, maa-paa, friends and family, I truly had a gala time during marriage preps. Luckily, found second mother in my MIL and sooner I realized what a cute kiddo my hubby dubby is. Instead of getting annoyed, I started loving his dependence on me. 

As soon as he wakes up, the first thing he does, "is to See Me". I always thought, probably like every other women, that men are always self-sufficient and should be independent indeed, but, I am glad that I was wrong.

My Husband made me realize that nothing is better than having your spouse look for you, even for petty things, every now and then. It's only then, that not only you give extra but, you do get extra too; just like that extra Hot Chocolate in your Fudge.

You get to see that child's innocence in his eyes, energy all around, you get pampered like another kid, you two fight and make up in no time, force each other for doing silly things in life, you find happiness in everything and moreover... you get the courage to handle your future kids, more conveniently... LOL!

PS: your husband remains your first kid, even after you two become parents :-)


  1. Hmm....interesting, funny, and is true somehow...I can relate to many examples here😉My dearest hubby is for sure my "first child" 😉
